The kirkster pointed out what a loser j the ripper is long ago!
Now from there temp forum it appears our friend jtr is back their licking his balls and greasing himself up to let barry penetrate him once more.
Why is jtr so scared of my son nick cotton that he refuses to debate him on audio!?
Your son hasnt done anything significant to warant being on my show. His greatest claim to fame was being mentioned onse or twise on bkrs and then getting bonned. once he does something notabal then maybe.
Dot, youve been a horrible mother to your son Nick, look how he turned out? Watching mediocur British TV re-runs and turning tricks for beer. You should be ashamed.
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Jack the Insecure Faggot only likes people who are more of a loser than he is. It makes him feel better about himself. That's why he is the only one who doesn't think SJR is the podcast equivalent of rotting garbage and that's why he made a Faganova Crew full of rejects.
It sucks for him, because Jack the Insecure Faggot came along about 5 years too late. Back in the early days, he would have fit in perfect with Misery and Neil.
One of the retarded mods edited it making it look like I mispelled those words, ruining my good grammatical name. Nicholaus will surely be notified of this promptly. Now Im pissed, Im calling Iambrian and Johnny on Skype to vent out. Where's my makeshift Giovanne punching bag?
Why are you jumping back on barrys cock when he kicked you to the curb?
Your like the girl getting negged then needing her validations back.
Its pretty patehtic how he douches you out and you go running back to him after trying to douche him out. Your too scared to debate my son even on audio. Your a pussy and a coward who belongs to be barrys lap dog.
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dude, let me show you an actual testamonial to shut your goddamn mouth.....
(don't bullshit me about the no quote thing, this was in a private message, and ill post a screenshot to prove it, anything to shut your fucking trap, ssandros)
now please, do me a favor, and cram it...
Yup. A PM that no one has seen from a known PUA scammer is evidence that his show is taking off.
Show me actual PUAHATE members, who are not commercial PUAs or who are not making money off the PUA scene while pretending to bash it (like Jack the Spammer) who like his show. Then I'll listen.
Until then, lololololol.
He wont debate me via audio, the dude is a straight up pussy and scared when someone actually confronts him and just makes excuses.
He should go back to sucking barrys cock. When i end the show by giving it away free barry will have no money and be so desperate that he will let jtr pay for a hotel barryfornia and more.